
Friday, February 14, 2014

Real Love

As wives and mothers, we have amazing opportunities to show agape love each and every day. This is the kind of love that gives without demanding or expecting anything in return. It sacrifices. It forgets about self. It is consumed with the well-being of others. It shows love by our actions. And it is often times hard. In studying the well-known chapter of love found in I Corinthians 13, I realized how short I often fall of God's perfect standard.

My prayer is that as women of God we would demonstrate real love more and more- that our families would see more of Christ in how we love.

Love suffers long when things spill, tissues go through the laundry, or the boys forget to feed the dog. It does not lose heart, blow up or become easily offended.

and is kind  it searches for little opportunities to do good, it kisses boo-boos, reads stories, makes a warm cup of coffee. Love is found in uplifting words for the "law of kindness is on her lips" (Proverbs 31: 26).

Love does not envy the mom who's 4 year old is reading chapter books or the woman with a bigger house or the friend with more or less children. It is content with my circumstances.

Love does not parade itself, is not puffed up in my own accomplishments or those of my children, because apart from Christ, I am nothing. Love esteems others better than ourselves (Phil. 2:3).

Does not behave rudely  it doesn't hurt others with my words or actions. It looks my child in the eye and makes her feel important. It cherishes face-time over facebook time.

Does not seek its own it keeps on making meals, washing dishes, folding laundry, and making beds even with little gratitude in return. It delights more in spending time with my children than having "me" time.

Is not provoked when earthly possessions break, jackets get caught on wire fencing, or dirty socks end up under the couch. It strives to give a soft answer (Prov. 15:1) and desires to create a peaceful atmosphere.

Thinks no evil it doesn't recall past failures or rub in wrongs. It repays evil with good. Love doesn't dwell on the negatives.

Does not rejoice in iniquity instead it chooses to think on whatever things are good, pure, noble and of good report (Phillipians 4:8). 

But rejoices in the truth it chooses to believe God's truth, not the lies of the enemy who seeks to bring discouragement and doubt to my home. It gladly speaks of Him who is Truth with my children.

Love bears all things it covers a multitude of sin (I Peter 5:8). It doesn't divulge what shouldn't be said, it doesn't gossip or act like a busybody. It desires to forgive, over and over again.

Believes all things If God's Word says it, her heart believes it to be trustworthy despite what the world may be saying or doing. 

Hopes all things God is her confidence. She rejoices at the future (Prov. 31:25), she is optimistic, smiling and encouraging. "Happy is (s)he who has the God of Jacob for (her) help, whose hope is in the Lord (her) God." (Ps. 146: 5).

Endures all things despite fatigue, discouragement and hard days. Love presses on and moves forward because of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus (Phil. 3:14).

Love never fails although hard to fathom, even a mother may forget her  nursing child (Isaiah 49:15), but God, who is perfect Love, has promised to never leave me nor forsake me. He always goes before me (Deut. 31:8). I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength (Phil. 4: 13).

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful. All of it. From the lovely photos to the wonderful sentiments.
    Linda D
